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All About Roller Ball Essential Oil Blends:


Roller ball essential oil blends offer a convenient form of application, allowing for various plant compounds to be absorbed through the pores and hair follicles on the skin and into the body. Applying the blends to areas of the body where the blood vessels are closer to the surface allows for optimal absorption.


The best places and conditions for application:


Your temples, located either side of the head, between the forehead and ear. Working with essential oils in this area for headache, nausea and motion sickness. 


Behind the ears, your mastoid pressure point which is helpful for relief of pain and inflammation as well as headaches, fatigue, nausea and insomnia. The skin behind the ear is more permeable allowing for good absorption.


Inner wrists, where your radial artery runs. The classic perfume spot. An area where the skin is more permeable and often warmer. The ideal area for inhalation as well as absorption through application.  


Bottom of the feet, where the pores are larger and lacking in hair follicles allowing for excellent absorption. Every organ and system is connected through the meridians on the bottoms of the feet. Treating the bottom of the feet allows all systems to have the benefit of a chosen blend.


Condition specific application:


Chest: Especially useful when in need of support for congestion, coughs and respiratory issues. 


Abdomen: Application in a clockwise direction for any nausea, stomach issues, and gynecologic pain.


Lower back: A very good place to apply oils for gynecologic and adrenal issues. Particularly useful for an energy boost. 


Areas of special need. Pain, bruising etc. Apply directly to area which requires treatment.


Our formulas are blended for specific conditions. You can create your own blends by layering the different formulas. Apply, Inhale, Enjoy!

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